Author: Mike Chen

How To Find a Manufacturer or Supplier for Your Product Idea with China sourcing agent

If you’ve been reading our previous posts on finding niche ideas and evaluatingg products to sell online, you may have started coming up with some ideas of your own. This can be an interesting time for an entrepreneur as momentum begins to build and excitement grows the more you think about your idea. 

However, time and time again, many entrepreneurs find themselves hitting a brick wall and losing momentum when it comes time to actually source products. Whether it be manufacturing your own product or finding suppliers to purchase wholesale from, they aren’t always easy to find.

In this post, we’re going to look at the basics of sourcing a supplier for your next project. We will look at some places to search, how you should approach them and what to ask. 

Let’s dive in.

The Basics – What Are You Looking For? 

For the purpose of this post when we refer to suppliers, we are referring to anyone that has the capability to provide you with products and inventory. This encompasses manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors.

There are a ton of helpful resources to be found online just by searching Google. However before you begin, there are a few things you should know and decide.

First, you should determine what type of supplier you’re looking for. This will help determine the terminology you need to use in your research. I would highly suggest you start by reading our post on Make, Manufacturer, Wholesale or Dropship.

There are several options, with the most common being:

  • A manufacturer to produce your own product idea
  • A supplier, who may also be a manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor to purchase already existing brands and products
  • A dropshipper to supply products and fulfill orders of already existing brands and products

Domestic vs. Overseas Suppliers

A classic question when looking for suppliers if you plan to manufacture or wholesale is whether you want to source domestically or from overseas. Overseas can refer to any location overseas but usually, and for the purpose of this post, refers to Asian countries like China, India and Taiwan.

You likely already know that it’s almost always cheaper to source your products overseas but there’s a lot more to that decision than just the upfront investment and cost per unit.

Both domestic and overseas sourcing have their advantages as well as disadvantages which we will take a look at below:

Domestic Sourcing


  • Higher manufacturing quality and labor standards
  • Easier communication with no language barrier
  • Marketing appeal of being made in North America
  • Easier to verify reputable manufacturers
  • Faster shipping time
  • High intellectual property right protection
  • Greater payment security and recourse 


  • Higher manufacturing costs
  • Less product choice (There are many items that just aren’t made in North America anymore)

Overseas Sourcing


  • Lower manufacturing costs
  • High number of manufacturers to choose from
  • One-stop services like Alibaba have made it easy to navigate suppliers


  • Lower perceived quality from customers
  • (Usually) lower manufacturing and labor standards
  • Little intellectual property protection
  • Language and communication barrier can be difficult to navigate 
  • Difficulty/costly to verify manufacturer and visit on-site
  • Longer shipping time
  • Cultural differences in business practices
  • Product importation and customs clearance
  • Less payment security and recourse

Where To Begin Your Search

Now that you have a better idea of exactly what you’re looking for, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of domestic vs. overseas sourcing, where do you begin your search? Naturally, the internet is the best place to start, but there are a few places in particular that can help with your search.


Some of the best sources can be free online supplier directories. These directories can contain profiles for hundreds or thousands of manufacturers, wholesalers and suppliers. Below, we have listed out a few of the most popular ones below for both domestic and overseas suppliers:

Online Domestic Directories

Online Overseas Directories

The Depths of Google

Over the last handful of years, we’ve become accustomed to being able to easily search Google and find what we’re looking for in the first few search results. However, many suppliers haven’t kept pace with the internet and in particular, Google’s algorithm changes. Their websites are usually old, sparse on information and most certainly are not search engine optimized. 

So how do you find suppliers on Google? For the first time ever, you’ll need to explore page ten of Google search results, and beyond. You’ll also want to use a variety of search terms. For example, words like wholesale, wholesaler and distributor may be used interchangeably so you should search for all of them. 

It may help you make yourself familiar with Google’s search shortcuts to improve the quality of your searches, thus the results.

Local Library

You may also want to consider dusting off your library card and heading to your local library. Many libraries pay monthly subscription fees for online business and manufacturer directories that you normally wouldn’t have access to, or you would have to pay a large amount of money for, like the Scotts Online Business Directory. These directories contain profiles for many manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors in North America, depending on the exact directory. 

Make sure to give your local library a call ahead of time and ask them if they have access to these types of private directories. For larger libraries, you may need to chat with the business and technology department.


Some of the best leads can come from referrals by friends and family. Social networks have made it much easier to get the word out so make sure to use these channels.

As you do start to uncover suppliers, even if they aren’t the right fit for you, be sure to ask them if they can point you in the right direction. Being in the industry means they will likely have great contacts and many would be more than happy to refer you to someone that might be a better fit.

Other Research Tips

Another possible way to search for product suppliers is by searching for your products by their NAICS code. 

NAICS is the North American Industry Classification System, and pretty much every single industry and product you can think of is attached to a NAICS code. Sometimes manufacturers and suppliers may list their products by the NAICS code which can make your product manufactures and suppliers easier to find, especially if you’re using professional directories. 

The NAICS directory can be found at your local library or on the Internet at:


Canada – NAICS Code

Requesting A Quote

Once you’ve found a suitable supplier, how do you approach them? 

The biggest question you’re going to have is “how much?” but before you hastily send the supplier your request for quotation (many times referred to as a RFQ), take a few minutes to plan out what you want to say and the questions you need to ask. Planning your email will increase your chances that you will receive a response and the correct information.

Here are a few important questions to consider for your email:

  • What is your minimum order quantity? – Also referred to as a MOQ, you want to make sure their minimums are manageable for you and that you can afford them. This minimum order quantity can vary wildly depending on the product and the supplier so it’s important to ask upfront. 
  • What is your sample pricing? – You’ll likely want samples to inspect before making a full order. Sample pricing ranges, depending on the product and supplier. Some suppliers that receive many requests may change the full retail pricing, others will offer you samples at a discounted rate, and some may even send you samples for free. 
  • What is your production pricing? – One of the most important questions is how much your products will cost. You’ll probably wan’t to ask for pricing for several quantities to get a sense of if and how they do discounted pricing at higher quantity levels. 
  • What is your turnaround time? – Knowing how long it will take to produce your order is an important consideration and depending your exact business, time can be critical. 
  • What are your payment terms? – Many suppliers will require new businesses to pay for the full order upfront. This is important to know since inventory is a major cost for ecommerce startups. You may want to also ask if they provide payment terms on future orders.

Suppliers get bombarded with email quote requests all the time from flaky buyers that are just ‘kicking the tires’ so it’s not unusual for many suppliers not to reply to every request. A lack of supplier responsiveness is a common complaint from new ecommerce entrepreneurs. 

So how do you avoid being ignored? There are a few things that you should avoid when you reach out to suppliers for the first time:

  • Long emails – Your first email to a manufacturer should be clear and concise. Avoid telling too much about your story and background. The first email should be purely to assess potential fit at a high level. Focus on what suppliers care about the most like the details of what you’re trying to source. 
  • Asking for too much – Requests aren’t always easy for the supplier to produce. It’s important to ask for a few prices for multiple quantities, but avoid asking for too much or too many quotes. Stick to asking for what you absolutely need to assess fit between you and the supplier.
  • Asking for too little – If you ask for a quote well below the supplier’s minimum order you risk being met with silence. If you are unsure if your request is too small, consider giving them a quick call or send a quick one question email prior to ask what their minimum order is.

Finally, if you’re contacting a supplier from overseas, keep in mind that in many cases, they may be using translating programs to translate your email as well as their reply. Keeping your emails short, concise, well formatted and spelling error free will not only help the manufacturer but it will ultimately provide you with better replies and answers. Also, when asking your questions, it’s best to number your questions, so that they can easily reply to each number, keeping the questions and communication clean and organized.

Here is an example of an email I might send out: 

My name is Richard and I am from XYZ company. 
I am interested in placing an order for Widget A. I just have a few questions beforehand: 

1. What is you minimum order quantity? 
2. What is your cost per unit at the minimum order as well as if I were to order 3x your minimum order?
3. What are your payment terms for new customers? 

I would also like to order a sample of Widget A to verify quality. Can you please send me the cost for the sample, including shipping to:

Richard Lazazzera
80 Spadina Avenue, Floor 4
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5V 2J4

Thank you, 

As you can see from the sample above, it’s short, concise and it’s goal is to make sure at a high level that there is a fit between us. I have also set myself up to immediately order a sample unit, should there be a good fit between us. Once I have received the samples and I’m happy with them, I can then start getting into more detail knowing I’m not wasting their time, or mine. 

Negotiating Minimums

If you’re looking for a supplier for the first time, you’re going to quickly learn about ‘Minimum Order Quantities’ (MOQ’s). It’s not uncommon for a manufacturer to require a commitment to purchase hundreds or even thousands of units for your first order depending on the product and manufacturer.

MOQ’s make it difficult when you have limited funds, or simply want to play it safe by starting small to test the market before making larger purchases. The good thing is that MOQ’s are almost always negotiable.

Before you begin negotiating, the first step is to understand why the supplier has imposed a minimum. Is it because there is a lot of work upfront? Or maybe it’s because they prefer to work with larger buyers. Understanding the reasons behind the minimum will help you better understand their position and allow you to negotiate and propose to best counter offer. 

After you have a better understanding of your suppliers position, you can offer a lower order quantity. Compromises can include giving the supplier a deposit for a larger order, but just producing small amounts at a time or paying a higher price per unit. 

Have You Found Your Supply Partner?

Sourcing suppliers and manufacturers is a unique process, and for many, a new experience. Trying to locate suppliers that are a good fit is a critical decision for your new business and aren’t always easy to find. It’s easy to get frustrated when you hit dead ends or brick walls but in most cases, it just requires a little more patience and perseverance to find the perfect partner for your new business.

How to manage quality assurance and quality control in China with China sourcing agent

Everyone is concerned about how to control quality in China. In fact I often have new clients say to me “I don’t care about the price just make sure the quality is OK”. This is actually pretty wise, you are much better worrying about China quality assurance management or production issues than a 5% discount on the production cost.

Imagine your shipment is delayed from China, your product has defects which reduce customer satisfaction or in the worst case require a total product recall.

This happens all the time and even to the big boys, obviously Toys come to mind with the cases of lead paint but also Wal-Mart has had massive product recall cases where they failed to effectively manage their quality assurance processes in China.


What does China quality assurance and quality control involve?

Factories will generally expect some sort of quality assurance process to be employed by the buyer.

Either a full blown quality assurance control or a sampling process. Whatever the case you need the skills to carry out an quality assurance and quality control inspection relevant to your product.

When ChinaFind carries out quality assurance control we look at the following factors:

1. Product factors
a. Size
b. Quantity
c. Technical nature
d. Materials
e. Production process
f. Packaging requirements

2. Situational factors
a. Factory location
b. Weather
c. Language
d. Seasonal
e. China National Holidays

3. Technical Factors
a. Labour skill requirements
b. Tools, testing equipment requirements
c. Certifications required

Product Factors:
We need to know these because they can greatly impact the type and number of quality assurance inspections we carry out.

For example, an order of 1million poker chips would require a different quality assurance inspection than a single wind turbine.

Technical Factors
Such as do we need an engineer, or a person with a specific skill set, or will they be someone capable of looking for scratches on a sheet of glass for example.

The technical nature of the product and the production process often determines the type and level of the quality assurance inspection required.

Situational factors are often overlooked. A factory in central China will incur greater travel expenses, be harder to reach and require overnight stays compared to a factory near a major city.

During some seasons factories will be on skeleton staff while they could be closed or key personnel are away during national holidays.

Does your product need to be certified? I have another article which covers certifications however know that some products are required by law to be certified – are you qualified to carry out these tests or arrange someone that can?

How to arrange China Customs Brokerage and freight shipping from China

How will you get your products from China to your warehouse?

Don’t assume that the Chinese factory will do this for you or fail to include the cost in your price calculations. Did the factory quote FOB pricing – Free On Board?

You will need to find a suitable China freight forwarder to handle the shipping from China.

Firstly you should understand that China freight forwarders buy in bulk from the carriers or shipping companies. If your volume is large enough, perhaps 50 containers per year, you should look into contacting the carriers directly.

For most businesses however Chinese freight forwarders are the logical solution. Now when by buying in bulk to achieve discounts it follows that freight forwarders doing more business can achieve better discounts and therefore lower prices.


Contact at Least 10 China Freight Forwarders in Order to Find the Best Price

During this process use the same verification procedures that you used on the manufacturers to ensure they are real and capable of shipping your shipment and will not disappear while your container is half way across the Pacific – it happens!


Know the China Customs Regulations and Your Home Country’s Custom Rules

Question the China freight forwarder company on their customs procedures, ensure they aren’t making any short cuts which lower the price making them more attractive, but could lead to disastrous delays down the track.

Will your products require specialised inspections or a fumigation certificate for example?

Don’t take it for granted that the China freight forwarder will know this is required – this is how you end up with large bills for temporary storage fees while your shipment sits in customs.


Know the Shipping Route Your Shipment Will Take.

In many countries shipments will go through land borders and therefore may be faced by additional customs requirements.

For example we often ship to a client in Uganda, while researching the shipping route we discovered that during the land voyage across Kenya, the containers had a lower maximum shipping weight than they do during ocean freight.

From then on the client had to take this into account when ordering and we had to ensure containers weren’t loaded to exceed this new maximum weight.

Additional shipping checklist:

  • Who will arrange shipment from the factory to the Chinese freight forwarders warehouse?
  • Who will confirm that all the items arrived and they arrived undamaged?
  • Who will inspect and where necessary replace packaging?
  • Who will arrange replacement of damaged products?
  • In the event of multiple factories for one shipment, who will coordinate the factories to ship everything during a 1-3 day free storage window?
  • Who will oversee the actual loading of the container in China?
  • Who will ensure cartons are labelled correctly and packed to your requirements?

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point, shipping of your product is a crucial time where a lot of things can go wrong.

A lot of the tasks are mundane but if overlooked your shipment could be delayed or rejected at customs.

How to Manage and Control Production in China with China sourcing agent

Production control is another step which is often overlooked. Once you have placed your order and transferred initial payment it can be too easy to sit back and wait for the Chinese factory to contact you when production has been completed.

Don’t do this! Factories will always be late, they will lose your order, forget important details, overlook information in your specifications or forget about you altogether. It is essential that you continually follow up on orders to ensure they are on track.

Keen Sourcing Quality Control Office location

Communication in China

Communication with the factory is a topic for another article, however you must always keep in mind that English is a second language for your manufacturer, they often can read and write English better than they can speak, and can speak better than they can listen and understand.

Chinese learn by rote, that is they learn a word or phrase by repeating it over and over again.

This would be fine if your teacher had ever spoken to a native English speaker before! Keep your communication simple, use email or messenger software whenever possible and follow up with a call to ensure it is received or to imply the importance of what was said.

Confirm the contents of communication has been understood, Chinese will often change the subject or ignore topics they do not understand – you must repeat or find a way to make yourself understood whilst remaining calm and understanding.

Sales staff in factories are often hired because they can speak English but that doesn’t mean they understand complex legal or production terms.

Almost always, staff are very young and with little experience as the factory will keep labour costs down.

Communication often breaks down because of language difficulties particularly when buyers do not understand the limitations of the people they are talking to.

Example, a client of ChinaFind previously handled all his own sourcing and when he began sourcing from China he found a number of China manufacturers gave limited replies or stopped communicating at all.

After coming to us we quickly discovered that the manufacturers he was talking to simply did not understand what he was talking about, particularly when it came to legal topics.

Other tips to control production in China include:

  • Request photographs or product samples
  • Request a production schedule and follow up on process dates to ensure they are on track

How to Verify and Check China Company with China sourcing agent

I have so many clients that have come to me to save them simply because they failed to check the China company prior to placing an order.

I have cases where clients came to me after their manufacturer simply disappeared, where factories had slow communication or stopped replying in English, even extreme cases where manufacturers started demanding more money after the order was placed and deposit paid.

All these could have been avoided if the company had been properly checked out.

Not all companies in China are bad or scammers, in fact only a very small percentage.

How to Check Chinese company

However it is almost standard practice for factories to quote beyond their means – i.e. quote at a low price to grab your attention only to find out at a later stage the quote was for plastic instead of stainless steel etc. etc.

Communication can also be an issue, often the staff assigned to handle your order are fresh out of school, sure they can speak a few words of English, but do you feel comfortable with a 17 year old with no experience handling your order?

I have seen factories with dirt floors, with no roof, with finished products sitting in the rain – I could go on and on but I think I have made my point:

Screen and verify your manufacturers thoroughly and you will have a manufacturer you can work with long term at world beating prices.
So what do you need to verify:

  • Is the manufacturer a real and legit company?
  • Is the manufacturer is financially sound, capable of fulfilling your order, and in a dispute, able to financially compensate your loss
  • Is the manufacturer is capable of performing the contract, do they have relevant human expertise, machinery and technical capability of filling your order

As you are searching for manufacturers using the methods outlined in step one we assume you have dropped any of the following:

  • Manufacturers that list or promote any counterfeit or copy products
  • Manufacturers that are very difficult to find other than a minor presence such as on a free website, but they don’t have their own website or paid membership on sites such as Alibaba
  • Companies that demand payment to Western Union or direct transfer to personal bank accounts

Now you should be at the step of Screening and Verifying manufacturers with a shortlist of manufacturers.

Our goal here should be to gradually reduce the number to 2-3 manufacturers for the final step in the screening process of a site visit.

At this stage you will have obtained quotes from manufacturers. Use your judgement here because as I mentioned earlier some manufacturers will use tricks such as quoting very low prices to attract you to them.

However, you should be able to drop some manufacturers after they have quoted their price, product or service such as communication problems will be an indicator they are not suitable.

Sampling and Trial Orders

Another key step is sampling or placing a trial order.

Some bigger factories will offer a free sample, however in any case you should definitely arrange to inspect a sample in order to judge the quality.

A sample can also be useful later in contract negotiations as you have a physical product to base the quality level on.

The last step involves check into the company legal and financial status as well as a factory inspection to verify their ability to fulfil your order.

The China company background check will include:

  • Visit the company
  • Confirm chinese company registration and Chinese legal status with local Government
  • Due diligence on the company including references and company history

The factory inspection will cover:

  • The production machinery and technical capacity of the factory, what is the monthly production capacity.
  • The human element: Factory management, technical expertise of the staff and number of workers to ensure production ability and achieve maximum quality.
  • An assessment of the assets of the company such as buildings, land, machinery etc.
  • The registered capital of the company.

I haven’t simplified this process to highlight that it is difficult and very important.

Large companies have the resources to verify manufacturers themselves however small to medium sized companies often skip the step entirely because they can’t travel to China, can’t speak Chinese or do not have the resources to verify the manufacturer themselves.

They might get lucky and stumble on a great manufacturer, or their attempt to import from China could become their worst nightmare.
Hope sourcing agent provide China sourcing service and Chinese company check for any company large or small.

We are a trusted company with great experience in this area and I stress that it would be better to use our services in advance than find yourself in a situation where you have lost time and money far greater cost than your original order value

A Buying Guide – From the Chinese Suppliers Perspective

In China as with the rest of the world, this can vary hugely. One supplier might be a factory with thousands of staff and at the other end of the scale you might have a mother of one working from home to try and pay the bills, along with many middle men in between. The difference in China is that it might not always be that clear exactly who you are dealing with. The mother is as likely to tell you that she is a factory as the factory itself. 

The truth is that they could all offer as good a service as the other. The crucial thing as far as the buyer is concerned is that this will affect what you can buy and at what prices. 

Types of product 
This will also have a bearing on who you can buy from and at what unit prices. There are obviously thousands of various permutations, but to keep it simple I see that there are three main product ‘types’ if you like. 

1) Off the shelf. These are made in quantity to the same design and as such reasonably easy to source. 

2) Off the shelf with own branding. Also made in quantity, these products might require specific branding to be added to the basic model, so will involve extra printing, design, etc. 

3) Bespoke products. These are manufactured to a specific design of the buyer and as such can be harder to obtain. 

Why do I need to consider this? 
Put in very simple black and white terms (I will cover in more detail below). If you ask a large scale factory to make you 250 small widgets, they simply won’t deal with you as it’s not worth their while. Yes they want to make money, but they won’t make much from that order. 

Should you ask the mother of one to get these for you, chances are she will have the necessary contacts, perhaps on the back of another larger order of say 5000 widgets that she sells on in smaller batches. 
Obviously once it comes down to own brand and bespoke products, there is additional design and manufacturing involved which will have a bearing on who you can buy from. 

Below I have highlighted some of the common questions I come across and helps explain the answers to these from the suppliers point of view: 

Paying for samples 
Q. I have asked a supplier to send me some samples so I can then make a larger order, but they want me to pay for them. Why are they not trying harder to get my business? 

A. If they sent samples free of charge to everyone that asked for them and then subsequently did not make an order, they would be out of business. Even if they stock the samples so have no excessive production costs, they are still essentially throwing away money. 
If a buyer agrees to pay for samples, the supplier will view them as being more serious about placing a future order. Money talks as they say. 

There will be some suppliers that will send out free samples, and perhaps just ask for the shipping cost to be covered by the buyer, but especially for higher value items these are becoming less common (Unless you happen to be a buyer for a company the size of Tesco’s, in which case they are more likely to hand deliver them). 

MOQ is too high 
Q. I want to buy 50 of these items but the supplier has a minimum order requirement of 1000 and won’t budge – Why? 

A. If it is not an off the shelf item they will more than likely need to make or buy moulds, create specific designs and suchlike. The factories also have to purchase materials and even if the order is small, chances are their own supplier of the base materials might have MOQ’s themselves. All of this can be a very costly investment for a small order. The materials themselves might be difficult for them to source if they need to meet your design specifications. 
Production of a specific product also takes time. They will need to schedule staffing and delivery of components even for a small order. The manufacturing process will mean they will be taking resources away from potentially larger orders with more profit in them. 

Why would they want to do all this for a low quantity order with a very slim end margin?. 

Unit price too expensive 
Q. Price I am being quoted is too high. China is supposed to be cheap? 

A. When smaller orders are involved, buyers will often discover that prices are not what they expected from China and when they factor in shipping and Duty/VAT that they realise that they could probably source from the UK cheaper. 

All of the base costs mentioned in the MOQ section will need to be factored into any unit price they provide you with and they will also need to consider the possibility of not being able to take on larger orders whilst your items are being manufactured. 

A factory will ideally want large regular orders, so they might even be trying to put you off by quoting over the top if they see you as a small one off importer. They might refuse to quote you altogether unless you can prove your potential to them. 

Deposit required 
Q. I have ordered some goods from a manufacturer, but they want part of the payment up front. Is this a scam? 

A. No not at all. If a supplier is manufacturing a product for you, they will want part payment up front. Firstly, to show you are serious (it is a non-refundable deposit after all), and secondly to pay for materials. 

More than often the deposit will be 30% with the remainder due on completion of the order or prior to delivery/release of bill of lading, etc. 

Manufacturing process taking too long 
Q. I ordered my goods three weeks ago and I’ve paid the deposit – Why have they not been shipped yet? 

A. Very few suppliers will hold large quantities of stock, or indeed if they are factory they will not have surplus materials just laying around waiting for a potential order. One of the reasons is that the factories need to move quickly with the times, so a big selling product right now could be out of favour in a months time. In addition to this, any stock held is essentially invested money that is going nowhere until the goods are sold. 

Some products such as the bespoke ones mentioned will take longer to manufacture, as there is more work involved and designs need to be finalised and materials sourced. 

A factory production line is not just a few dozen staff sitting round waiting for someone to press a green button on a conveyor belt once an order is received. They will often have a full schedule, some working 24 hours a day. They need to find a slot in their schedule to work on your product. 

Often this can panic buyers, as they see any delays such as this a potential stalling tactic that they think will develop into a scam. It’s simply not the case. 

Always ask for the lead time before you make an order, but be aware that things can sometimes change. 

In summary 
A supplier will only be desperate to sell to you if they feel it is worth their while doing so. 

If you haggle on price so much that the base line profit they are making is very poor, it’s likely that both the product quality and the level of customer service will suffer too. If you were trying to sell regular orders to two customers, one you were making £10 an item and the other £40, who would you want to impress more? 

Finally, most buyers are wary of being scammed. Don’t forget this works both ways. More than likely the supplier themselves will have been scammed in the past or suffered at the hands of time wasters. Treat them as if you would treat your own customers, create a business relationship and reap the benefits of a successful long-term partnership.

China Product Sourcing: Why Finding Factories Isn’t Simple

real manufacturers and not some sort of brokerage company or middlemen or similar people. Unfortunately, the internet also hasn’t been helpful enough via forums or social networking sites (Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn) in providing even remotely accurate answers.
What really makes it hard to find these manufacturing factories?
Random answers are presented on the forums, but with a lackadaisical approach that is neither conclusive nor productive. We have noticed the trends and presenting a view in the following post that may provide some help.
Read on to know more…

1. Unusual products that big factories won’t produce and small factories that aren’t getting enough publicity in the industry
Despite having a great exposure and international linking, some “big” factories don’t produce the uncommon products that people aren’t generally accustomed to.
If you want the manufacturing of an “unusual” or “uncommon” product, then you need to search in the right areas instead of the big areas. Practically, the small factories are the ones which produce eccentric products. Big factories prefer manufacturing common products. For example, you can search Google and Alibaba to find T-shirt suppliers in plenty. Now, search for a “self-stirring mug” and you will find a less than a handful of trading companies, not factories. Only small factories with a lean staff manufacture these products.
The reasons for not finding factories continues in the next few points.
2. Language barriers create major problems in communications
Be it America, Spanish or any other importer from a foreign nation, they have the flexibility to pick an agent for China product sourcing via internet sources. Mainly, Google and Alibaba connect suppliers with importers due to the B2B platform. It is possible when there isn’t any language barrier. Communications work speedily when the channels are same or similar to a certain extent, but not more than that.
On the other hand, the factories that aren’t able to furnish their product information in English would have the rare chance of finding an audience with the foreign importers. When a barrier is hit due to language, the communications would suffer instantly. Since small-scale Chinese factories spend most of their trade with domestic companies, they don’t find any reason of having an English sales team at all. Moreover, it would add more costs to their business. If they are easily found in domestic companies to trade with, why would they even bother about foreign importers?
3. Online marketing… What? 

Yes, that would be the answer from a good majority of them. Online marketing is an umbrella term for many of the activities performed on the internet to get a good online exposure or visibility. Though some factories are Alibaba Members, they don’t apply too much in the areas of online marketing, whether it’s Pay Per Click or Search Engine Optimization or Social Media Optimization. In fact, the trading companies know a lot better than them and have the capability of getting access to the foreign importers.
The trading companies have notched several deals via English searches by importers due to these reasons. As of now, the factories that have an English web portal and does online marketing has more potential in driving the traffic of importers. Some small-scale factories may have opened profiles with Alibaba, but their not-so-interactive facet might have displeased importers. Considering you are importer yourself, we request you to check for the suppliers on Alibaba that aren’t fast with communication, but maybe they are offering manufacturing services.
4. Patent/Copyright issues, Secrecy and more
The entire world acknowledges Made in China products. And they also know some other aspects of it. Yes, we are discussing the duplicate products that Chinese factories are quick to manufacture, especially considering the popularity of the segment. Basically, the electronics department gains from it. But, there are more products, such as toothbrush, toys, and others that are manufactured and sold at a cheap price. The intriguing part here is, some of the importers aren’t able to distinguish between the original and duplicate.
The factories that produce these copycat products refrain themselves from gaining publicity in the light of patent or copyright issue. Mostly, they prefer working with trading companies than going out with the importers. They would literally violate their code of conduct of “secrecy” if they entertain importers directly. Therefore, the importers will have to communicate the trading companies for business because there’s a rare chance to find the real factories on their own. It is quite likely that a reliable China sourcing company would help overseas buyers in finding products from trustworthy manufacturers.
At a point of time when importers want to engage with factories directly, but don’t find anyone except the middlemen and trading companies, it is better to find the suppliers – the reliable ones. The scenario isn’t suggestive enough to say that foreign importers can seek products from the factories in any straight way. Running a comparison among suppliers has a fair chance at generating quality results. Besides, overseas buyers can check for trade fairs, such as Global Sources Fair, Canton Fair, and others to discover the factories of China.

If you have a product idea and want to find a reliable manufacturer, here’s another article for you: How to Find a Manufacturer for Your Product Idea.
Hopesourcing is the best sourcing agent in China. We offer product sourcing services, quality control and shipping management. Tell us what you want to source, we will handle everything till you get the products.

toy factory

How to Deal With Manufacturers In China?

Are You Dealing With Manufacturers? Try 8 Ways To Be Certain

toy factory

If you’re an importer, you know it already how difficult it is to track a Chinese supplier. More often, there’s a confusion prevailing over that. In fact, it is the trading companies that pose as manufacturers and anyone who wants to import products has a bleak chance to recognize that. For example, – the popular eCommerce giant also hosts the trading companies, which claim themselves as manufacturer.

Though repeatedly, concerted efforts were made online through blogs and articles for informing importers, all of it went in vain when importers still didn’t get even a clue of it. In a fresh attempt, we bring you the 8 ways to verify the Chinese suppliers, both in terms of logical and technical perspective.

1. Check Business License E-Copy – Vital Credentials

Have you been asking for the registered capital of the supplier, lately? Stop doing that because it yields no meaningful result. Usually, the registered capital is more than Chinese Yen 500,000 and yet, it is no big deal to achieve that.

On the other hand, you should for check business license, yes, the very business license that has “production, processing, or manufacturing” in Chinese (生产,加工) in its scope. You can use the Google Translate feature to translate the scope (if it’s a word or PDF document) or you can send it to a Chinese-to-English Translator. You can get find a freelancer on or get help from a sourcing company in China. The latter may cost a few dollars, but it’s worth it.

If they are a genuine factory/manufacturer, you would know it from the business license they provide.

verify business license
2. Check Business Information Online – You Must Do It

In some condition, you do not trust the Business License E-cope which is provided by supplier. You can find suppliers’ business information on the website –China National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System. There you can find complete information about the suppliers, such as business scope, estimated date, registered capital etc.

Check business information 
3. Check VAT or Value Added Tax invoice to identify suppliers

Lauded as the best way to know about factories/manufacturers, a relevant check on the VAT invoice does the deed. For your information, the Chinese offer drawback on the exportation of products, only to encourage for more exports.

However, a factory can ask for an export drawback only when it shows the VAT invoice of 17%, the exact thing where you can find supplier information, such as company name, address, bank account, etc. Hence, you could ask for the same invoice to the supplier. If they are real factory/manufacturer, ask them for a clear picture of the invoice, and when they are not, they would be reluctant to entertain your query or make incessant delays. Be wary about that.

Check VAT

4. Find the MOQ

MOQ or Minimum Order Quantity is a specified lowest quantity that a supplier can provide. Often, the Chinese factories/manufacturers have a low-profit margin and that is why they produce larger volumes. A trading company, posing as the factory/manufacturer can offer less quantity of products to you very easily.
For example, with an idea of buying 5,000 vacuum bottles, you may search for a factory/manufacturer and just find one. However, if you request the factory/manufacturer to provide them only 500 pieces on a trial basis first order, you will get refused. Generally, a factory with 1000 pieces for MOQ won’t agree to your demand, whereas a trading company will get immediately ready to deliver those 500 pieces you requested. Of cause, the price will 20%+ higher.

5. Check Supplier’s Product Catalogue

You can ask for a product catalogue from the supplier. Typically, a factory/manufacturer produces or manufactures only one or few similar kinds of products. They won’t have a long list of products.
Nevertheless, if you find a supplier that’s offering a wide range of products and the products belong to different industries, be alert because it’s a trading company that you have connected with.
You also can check supplier’s product catalogue on B2B eCommerce such as Alibaba and Made-in-China.

check product category

6. QMS Certificates

Just keep in mind that not all factories have a QMS certificate such as ISO 9001. But, you can find that all companies with this certification are authentic factories/manufacturers. Besides, a trading company has no requirement of having this certification.
7. Ask for factory audit reports

A factory auditing report can be sought from the factory that claims of supplying products to giant companies, such as, Walmart, or any other. Probably, a factory shouldn’t have any qualms about offering the factory auditing reports. Once you have those reports, you can cross check the name with that on the Business License. If the name is same, the supplier is genuine factory/manufacturer.

Otherwise, the trading companies may provide you a factory auditing report with a different name from that of the Business License’s name. Precisely, the auditing reports are one of the essentials to verify a factory/manufacturer and identifying a trading company.
8. Location of the factory

Does it seem a little offbeat? No, it doesn’t because knowing the location of the factory is quite important. In China, there are different locations where only particular kinds of products are manufactured.

Mostly, the components of a product would be produced in the same industrial area because of easy assemblage. If one factory produces one component in one area and the other produces a different component in some other area, then it would require overhead costs of transportation as well as add complex procedures for the assemblage.

For example, most of vacuum bottles are produced by factories in Zhejiang province. If you want to get a real factory to be your supplier for vacuum bottles, try to limit the scope in Zhejiang Province.

Try these 8 ways, you can distinguish your suppliers.

HopeSourcing is the best sourcing agent in China. We offer product sourcing services, quality control and shipping management. Tell us what you want to source, we will handle everything till you get the products.

quality inspection

Pre-shipment Quality Inspections Are Always Necessary

Experienced Foreign Managers at Factories – A Tale of Truth

It’s true that many Chinese suppliers employ experienced foreign managers for managing key operations, which include, Research & Development, Marketing, and Business Development & More. Generally, you will find a Japanese person or a Westerner in these companies.

In fact, when you are evaluating these companies, you will discover a handful of best practices of these companies, which you always want to see. Whether it is WIP Tracking, Documentation Management, Standard Operating Procedures and more, at the end of the evaluation, you will feel satisfied with the performance of these companies as compared to the general Chinese suppliers.

The dilemma of Pre-shipment inspection continues…

Knowing these many good things about the suppliers would put you in a dilemma. The major question in front of you would be – Shall I rely on their QC methods and skip the Pre-shipment inspection part to save valuable time? Even we feel tempted to recommend you that, but seriously never do such thing.

You should have certain control levels on the inspection for determining whether the product conforms to your requirements or not.

The case of portable Bluetooth speakers…

To preserve the confidentiality of the client and the supplier we’re going to talk about, we wouldn’t be using their real names or identities. This is a real case, and only a few details are altered, keeping the essence intact.

We had a client, who was purchasing portable Bluetooth speakers from the Chinese suppliers. The evaluation gave us a good report on them, which was more than satisfying. They had procured some foreigners for engineering and quality inspection and, seemingly, everything was fine and under control and properly documented.

However, we never let off our quality control procedure and recommended the client about required inspections before each delivery. The goods were ready for the first purchase order, and as recommended, the inspectors did their job of pre-shipment inspections. Surprisingly, the results were a bit averse to what we had anticipated earlier. The portable Bluetooth speakers had too many minor issues and some major issues and as a result, the goods was rejected. The suppliers were asked to rework on their products and resolve the defects.

Of course, we were quite convinced that the quality evaluation at the supplier’s side is going well yet we didn’t relax that quickly and stuck to the basics of evaluation.

From this case, a few pertinent questions were raised, which were totally related to the production on a committed schedule. For example, was the documentation hassled the way out? Did the workers skip an operation or more for keeping in line with the rapid production speed? Were the workers not skilled enough or well trained? Did the QC check the products strictly comply with quality criteria?

We are oblivious to the answers of these questions, but we are sure that these could have been averted. The supplier was embarrassed on its side but was a reliable manufacturer, who owned their mistakes and reworked on the defects. They firmly addressed the root cause problems and took corrective actions in the course of time.

Meanwhile, we think, had we not pressed the inspection at all, and then what would have happened? Had the suppliers drop-shipped a consignment with flaws, then who would have been held responsible?

This is the major reason why we have hands-on approach to ensuring quality control.

quality inspection

How a PSI or Pre-shipment inspection does help?

As an importer, you will have an expected quality of standards. The third party entrusted with the job of professional quality inspection ensures a fair few things for you, which include:

1. Imported goods are in compliance with the terms that are agreed upon.
2. Imported goods are same level as the approved samples.
3. Imported goods are within specifications.
4. Imported goods pose no threat, risks or hazards to the health.
5. Properly and safely packaged for seamless transition.
6. Imported goods should comply with the rules and regulations of the receiving country.

Why trust Keen Sourcing?

As a leading sourcing agent, Keen Sourcing is also accountable in several sections of quality control and inspection, and ensure stricter standards apply to all evaluation procedures. Given our credible experience with the Chinese suppliers, we have profound ways of identifying the hurdles in between the procedures. We have a strong network of quality inspectors throughout the different provinces of China. We have QC office in Shanghai, Ningbo, Shenzhen and Chengdu city. This further helps in performing the quality inspection in major industrial cities.

Keen Sourcing Quality Control Office location

We have professional inspectors who speak fluent English language so that it doesn’t create any barrier during the proceedings. The AQL levels we apply for quality inspection are internationally recognized and we conform to it. The clients can send us reference samples so that we can perfectly understand what a desirable product would appear and function like.

Our sampling plan always comply with MIL-STD-105D (same as GB/T2828.1-2003). AQL normally is 0/1.0/2.5.

We have a dynamic speed of conducting PSI. Before inspection, we will send you the inspection checklists / Specific Inspection Criteria for your approval, which will help in initiating the inspection procedure / criteria as per your requirements. After the inspection is done, we will provide you with an inspection report in PDF format which is inclusive of images and recommendations that help you take a decision of rejecting or approving a shipment. 

HopeSourcing is the best sourcing agent in China. We offer product sourcing services, quality control and shipping management. Tell us what you want to source, we will handle everything till you get the products.

how to find manufacturer

Sourcing agent how to Find a Manufacturer for Your Product Idea

Sourcing agent how to Find a Manufacturer for Your Product Idea

how to find manufacturer

If you had niche ideas and already have been evaluating products to sell online, it can be an interesting time for business owner to build and grow more about your idea. 

However, time after time, many business owners find themselves encountering tough difficulty and losing momentum when it comes to the phase of product sourcing. Sourcing a manufacturer to manufacture your own product, it’s always not easy.

In this article, we’re going to look at the process of sourcing a manufacturer for your product idea. We will let you know where to search and how you should reach them out. 

Let’s get the topic start.

What Are You Looking For? 

For the purpose of this article when we refer to manufacturers, we are referring to the ones who manufacture products, not traders, wholesalers or distributors.

There are many helpful resources on internet just by searching Google or Bing. However before you begin, there are a few things you should know and decide.

First, you should determine what type of supplier you’re looking for. This will help determine the terminology you need to use in your research.

There are several options, with the most common being:
·         A manufacturer to produce your own product
·         A supplier, who perhaps  be a manufacturer, a wholesaler or a distributor
·         A dropshipper who supplies products and fulfill orders of already existing products and brands

Here what we talk about is to get manufacturers, not any else.

Domestic vs. China Manufacturer

A most frequent question when looking for manufacture is whether you want to source domestically or from China.

You likely already be aware that it’s always cheaper to source your products in China but there’s some more points to that decision than the upfront investment and cost per unit.

As we know, both domestic and China sourcing have their advantages as well as disadvantages.

Advantages of Sourcing in China

·         Lower manufacturing costs
·         High number of manufacturers to choose from
·         One-stop services like Alibaba have made it easy to navigate suppliers
·         Sourcing agent in China like Hope Sourcing provides product sourcing service and quality control inspection service to make your sourcing easy in China.

Where To start Your Search
Now you have a better idea of exactly what you’re looking for, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of domestic vs. China sourcing, where do you start your search? Normally, the internet is the best place to start, but there are a few websites in particular that can help you with the search.

Online China Directories
·         Alibaba
·         AliExpress
·         Globalsources
·         Made in China

Homepage of

The Reliability of Google or Bing

Over the last of several years, we’ve become accustomed to easily search Google and Bing and find what we’re looking for in the first few search results. However, many manufacturers haven’t kept up with the internet and in particular, Google’s and Bing’s algorithm changes sometimes. Their websites are old, sparse on information and most certainly are not search engine friendly or optimized. 

So how do you find reliable manufacturers on Google or Bing? Firstly, you’ll need to explore pages of Google search results, and beyond. You’ll also want to use a variety of search terms.

It may help you make yourself familiar with Google’s and Bing’s search shortcuts to improve the quality of your searches, thus the results.


Sometimes the best leads can come from referrals by friends. Social networks have made it much easier to get this out so make sure to use these channels.

As you do start to uncover manufacturers, even if they aren’t the right fit for your product idea, be sure to ask them if they can help to the right direction. Being in the industry means they likely have good contacts and many would be happy to refer you to someone that might fit your product idea better.

Have You Had A Sourcing Partner?

Sourcing manufacturers is a unique process. For many business owner or buyer, it’s a fresh new experience and challenge. Trying to locate manufacturers that are a good fit of your product is a critical decision for your business and it’s always not easy to find. It’s easy to get frustrated when you hit brick walls but in most cases, it just requires a little more patience. Partnering a Sourcing agent in China is a better choice for you to assist you. Sourcing agent, such as Keen Sourcing(, provides product sourcing service with price negotiation, factory audit, factory selection, quality control, quality inspection, production monitoring, shipping management etc. Once you partner with a local sourcing agent in China, all what you have to do is to wait till you get the products while sourcing agent handles everything for you. 

NED103 Series Cam Cylinder Locks Door Cabinet Mailbox Drawer Cupboard Locker Security Furniture Lock wholesaler supplier

NED103 Series Cam Cylinder Locks Door Cabinet Mailbox Drawer Cupboard Locker Security Furniture Lock wholesaler supplier


100% NED Brand -Professional Hardware Leader
16mm size with Straight Plate , Another size with hook plate.
Lock body material: Alloy
Locking surface diameter:23mm
diameter of thread:19mm
Thread length:16mm 20mm 25mm 30mm
rotation angle: Turn Left 90 degree
Opening and closing state key can be pulled out
Package List: 
1 x Cam Cylinder Locks With 2 Keys

1Set Transparent Pick Cutaway Visable Inside View Padlock Lock wholesaler supplier

1Set Transparent Pick Cutaway Visable Inside View Padlock Lock wholesaler supplier


100% Brand new high quality.
Cutaway Practice Disc Type Padlock
Lock with open chambers on all the moving parts that allow you to see how it work
You can see clearly that how the pians work when a key is inserted
In perfect smooth working condition with no loose parts or pins will come out
Color: Transparent
Material: Metal
Size: approx. 8 x 5 x 2.4cm (L x W x H)
Net Weight: 130g
Note: Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you!
Package includes:
1 * Padlock Set
Unit Type: piece Package Weight: 0.155kg (0.34lb.) Package Size: 15cm x 12cm x 10cm (5.91in x 4.72in x 3.94in)


100N /10kg Force Door Lift Support Furniture Gas Spring Cabinet Door Kitchen Cupboard Hinges Lid Stays Soft Open/Close E#CH wholesaler supplier

100N /10kg Force Door Lift Support Furniture Gas Spring Cabinet Door Kitchen Cupboard Hinges Lid Stays Soft Open/Close E#CH wholesaler supplier


For easy opening of kitchen cabinet doors 
For lift up opening cabinet door panels 
Superior material made for the shaft, durable and practical 
Plastic installing top, rotatable and easy to adjust 
Shaft Length: Approx.27cm 
Shaft Diameter: Approx.1.5cm 
With flat base for 5 screws fixing 
Pressure: 100N / 10kg 
1 x Cabinet Door Lift Pneumatic Support 
5 x Mounting Screws

Suction Hanger Towel Tissue Toilet Paper Holder Rack Bathroom Kitchen wholesaler supplier

Suction Hanger Towel Tissue Toilet Paper Holder Rack Bathroom Kitchen wholesaler supplier


Color: silver + white, material: PVC + ABS engineering plastic
Weight capacity: 6kg
Dimension: 14 x 9 x 10 cm 
Rack material: electroplating iron wire
Application: can be applied to any smooth tiles and glass, also can be applied to frosting glass, matte tile or latex paint wall by using the auxiliary film

Product Specifications

Color: silver + white
Model: MK-0039
Material: PVC + ABS engineering plastic
Weight capacity: 6kg
Dimension: 14 x 9 x 10 cm 
Rail material: electroplating iron wire
Suitable for bathroom, dining room, living room, etc.
Application: can be applied to any smooth tiles and glass, also can be applied to frosting glass, matte tile or latex paint wall by using the auxiliary film


30 X 60 Zoom Mini Compact Binocular Telescope 126m To 1000m Day And Night Vision wholesaler supplier

30 X 60 Zoom Mini Compact Binocular Telescope 126m To 1000m Day And Night Vision wholesaler supplier


30 X 60 zoom binoculars.
Red membrane fully coated optics for increased brightness.
Portable mini size and light weight.
Easy adjustment and rapid focusing.
Comes with a black carry bag.
Perfect for sports events, concerts, bird watching, camping, etc.
Color: Black
Magnification: 30 * 60
Field: 7.2°126m/1000m
Lens diameter: Approx. 2.3cm / 0.9in
Folded size: Approx. 9 * 6 * 4cm (3.5 * 2.4 *1.6in)
Unfolded size: 9 * 10.5 * 4cm (3.5 * 4.1 * 1.6in)
Item weight: 163g / 5.7oz
Package size: 11 * 8 * 4.8cm (4.3 * 3.1 * 1.9in)
Package weight: 193g / 6.8oz
Note: This item has no feature for night vision. It can NOT see anything in total darkness.
Packet content:100% Brand New
1 x Binoculars Telescope
1 x Clean Cloth
1 x Carry Case

Folding Round Metal Frame Nylon Mesh Crab Fish Net Fishing Landing Net Green wholesaler supplier

Folding Round Metal Frame Nylon Mesh Crab Fish Net Fishing Landing Net Green wholesaler supplier


This net is made of nylon material, making it strong and long lasting.
Collapsible and lightweight, it is easy to carry.
2 layers design, it has enough room to hold the fish.
Put the net in water, then the fish will not die.

Material:Steel Wire,Nylon
Color: Green
Diameter: 29.5cm/30cm/32cm/35cm
Item Length: 30cm/35cm53cm/62cm
Item Weight: 30g–50g

Package List:
1 * Fishing Net


20cm 66g Lifelike Pike Muskie Fishing Lure 8-segement Swimbait Crankbait Pesca Hard Fishing Bait Treble Hook Fishing Tackle wholesaler supplier

20cm 66g Lifelike Pike Muskie Fishing Lure 8-segement Swimbait Crankbait Pesca Hard Fishing Bait Treble Hook Fishing Tackle wholesaler supplier


This 8″ multi-jointed hard bait is one of the best accessories in your tackle box. It has lifelike appearance and can create life-like swimming actions in water to provoke predator to bite. If you are a fishing enthusiast, take this fishing lure and it will increase your catches and bring you much fun.

8″ 8-segment fishing lure.
2 strong and sharp treble hooks.
3D lifelike eyes.
High resolution body detail.
Smooth and rapid diving action.
Life-like swimming actions in water to provoke predator to bite.
Durable ABS material contributing to long service life.
Specially for pike and muskie, wonderful tool for fishing lovers.

Color: Style_1, Style_2, Style_3, Style_4, Style_5, Style_6, Style_7, Style_8 (optional)
Material: ABS
Length: Approx. 20cm / 8in
Weight: Approx. 66g / 2.3oz
Package size: 26 * 8 * 3cm / 10.2 * 3.1 * 1.2in
Package weight: 82g / 2.9oz

Package List:
1 * Fishing Lure


Children Sporting Pulley Lighted Flashing Wheels Heel Skate Rollers Skates 4 Wheels Shoe Flashing Roller Skate Shoes with Wheels wholeslaler supplier

Children Sporting Pulley Lighted Flashing Wheels Heel Skate Rollers Skates 4 Wheels Shoe Flashing Roller Skate Shoes with Wheels wholeslaler supplier


Floral Printed Plastic Mini Cruiser Skateboard 22″ X 6″ Retro Longboard Skate Long Board
These boards are constructed of injection molded plastic, They have a very mellow camber arch, slight kick tail, beautiful waffle shape diamond pattern with pattern texture of the top of the board. These Old School Classic Mini Cruiser will bring you back the style of boards that were popular in the mid 70’s.These boards specializes in quick, tight turns, and fits in a backpack and you can even carry it on the air plane. Super responsive and just plenty of fun to ride and cruise around.
We provide OEM service.
Material PP plastic+ Aluminum +PU
Size 22 X 6“
For People  Kids Girls Boys 
Deck material 100% fresh high strength pp with fiber
 Aluminum steel 3inch  Turcks
Wheels high strength gel pu 60 X45mm
Bearing ABEC-9 industrial standard “608” size
Wheel hardness 78-85A
Max loading 100kg
it is a good gift for kids .
Note: The Bushings color may be different from photos.
More product will be made for your design.

1 34 5



Waterproof Multifunction Cycling Computer Bicycle Speedometer Odometer LCD Backlight Backlit Bike Computer wholesaler supplier

Waterproof Multifunction Cycling Computer Bicycle Speedometer Odometer LCD Backlight Backlit Bike Computer wholesaler supplier

his wired bicycle computer with backlight is good companion for your riding, it not only shows the current speed, odometer, trip distance, but also shows the average speed, maximum speed and so on. It is really an ideal assistant for bicycle training.


Wired bicycle speedometer, includes all vital functions for novices and pros alike.
Easy to read, big four-line backlit LCD display.
Durable and waterproof for use in all conditions.
Easy installation, no tools required.
Powered by CR2032 battery.
Ideal assistant for bicycle training.
Note: After being soaked in water, please wait a moment before pressing any button.
SPD: Current Speed
ODO: Odometer
DST: Trip Distance
MXS: Maximum Speed
AVS: Average Speed
TTM: Total Trip Time
TM: Trip Time
RAT: Riding All Time
CLK: Clock (12H/ 24H)
SW: Stopwatch
TM UP: Trip Time Up
TM DOWN: Trip Time Down
TRIP UP: Trip Distance Up
TRIP DN: Trip Distance Down
Sleep Mode
Maintenance Alert
Machine Oil Reminder
Over-speed Reminder
Setting Type Circumference
Low Battery Indicator
Auto Backlight
Freeze Frame Memory
Auto ON/ OFF.
Color: Yellow, Blue, Black (optional)
Power source: CR2032 battery
Dimensions: 5.7 * 4.1 * 2cm / 2.2 * 1.6 * 0.8in
LCD Screen: 3 * 3.3cm / 1.2 * 1.3in
Package size: 14 * 7 * 4cm / 5.5 * 2.8 * 1.6in
Package weight: 80g / 2.8oz
Package List:
1 * LCD Bicycle Computer
1 * Magnet
1 * Mounting Shoe + Sensor
1 * Set of Cable Ties
1 * User Manual (English)3